Saturday, October 4, 2014


So little time, so many things to catch up on.

Which is why I think that I thought wearing leggings as pants today was acceptable...

I mean they are the classy kind with wool on the inside to keep your legs warm, so I mean they have that going for them. 

#lifedecisions amirite?


This morning was super productive which came as a shock to me and probably anyone that knows me. 

Mornings are NOT my thing. 

Ask my family. They dare each other to wake me up in the morning when I'm home because I'm a freakin' bear before 10 o'clock AM and that's a fact. I could strike fear in the heart of Genghis Khan if he was still alive and lived in America... yep.

But not this morning (!) thanks to my new IV infusions I get every-so-often. I awake the next morning metamorphosed into a beautiful productive butterfly. It's wonderful. I went to the gym, got myself a coffee, ate SALAD, washed my sheets, took a shower, got my hair trimmed, scored some free concert posters, and did everything except my homework.

Which is obviously why I'm writing this because the last thing that sounds fun right now is studying Roman and Indian art and recreating a master drawing. (jk it's supes fun... ahem*)

Soooooo I guess I could share with you some pictures of my life and my info about my new-ish relationship.

Yep you heard it right

I'm dating.

Dating MYSELF. 

And it's actually way fun... #isthatweird?

I paint and find cool music:

Buy myself flowers:

Third-wheel it and go see AMAZING concerts:

 Buy myself coffee:

And buy myself even more flowers!

Basically I'm perfect for myself!

To all my haterz, it's whatevz. 

I have had so much more time to be creative, read, exercise, find cool music, and just have Dyl time that I haven't had time to worry about you. In a lot of ways I'm a lot happier and I'm not just saying that you naysayer who just said, "You're just saying that!" But there's obviously some work there to do. 

You've probably read thousands of posts like this about "Living in a Utah: Where Everyone Gets Married as Infants" and "OMG I WANT A BOYFRIEND, The Tale of Desperate White Girl," but I don't fall into either of those categories in that in all honesty, I don't know what I want. 

It's a weird "not-quite, not-yet" stage and I'm trying to turn the awkwardness of not knowing where I belong or what I should be doing into something positive. 

So, I'm painting when I feel like it, going to concerts I've been wanting to see forever, buying myself coffee and flowers, and straight chillin' with Dylan. (BOOM)

I'll be real here and say that this semester started a little rocky. Things didn't quite work out how I thought they would in lots of ways and I've felt alone more often than not.  

I'm realizing though that focusing on the negative parts isn't going to do me JACK SQUAT. 


I know, I was just as shocked as you. 


I'm attempting to do this thing called "Move Forward." 

Maybe you've heard of it? 

I've read some studies, and scientologists--I mean scientists, say it's a real thing that you can do, so I figure I'll give it a shot. 

No doubt there will be some difficult days, there is ZERO question about that. I think it will be all about patience and having some understanding for myself. 

So here's to some self-deprication! 




In your best Sarah Mclachlan pets are dying voice: 

If you would like to donate to the positive vibe jar, you can do so on the right.
Any and all donations are appreciated and accepted at this time (because as you can see, it's gonna take some work.) 

Y'all are peaches. 


1 comment:

  1. No, YOU are the peach (and I'm not just saying that to stay on your good side!)!
    P.S. I will NEVER wake you up in the morning. ;)
