Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Starbucks and Tattoos

Kinda like snapbacks and tattoos, but WAY better. 
*White girl gang sign here*


Which means I'm currently in my room (#yeahcollege) writing this, and am a little upset that I didn't take the opportunity to do so while I was at Starbucks (celebratory "class-is-cancelled" trip.) First because it's raining, and second because what white girl doesn't love a good photo with the sassy green mermaid lady while rain trickles down the window in the background, obvi while flashing the deuces and duck face? 


Because also I'm wearing a sweatshirt that says "I LIKE CATS."

Basically today I'm contributing to World Peace.


Really I am not that hard to please... 

Or entertain...

Don't really know if that's good or bad...

I mean if I think about it, all I need to be content is a Grande Italian Roast with soy milk, and sugar free caramel. Oh and don't forget my Macbook Pro, Pinterest, Alt-J, and a graph notebook with my Pilot EasyTouch pen (so help me if you give me a wide-ruled notebook and company writing utensil...) 

I think the only thing that could have made this morning better would have been an attractive semi-hipster man in his mid to late twenties with excellent taste in music and great hair mysteriously showing up at Bucks with french fries and fresh flowers wrapped in kraft paper while simultaneously walking his French Bulldog named Basil. 

Quite frankly I'm surprised this hasn't happened yet.

But whatever.

At least my semester is off to a good start as an official Graphic Design Student!

Two hours of art history + graphic design + typography (aka writing the letter "r" fifty times in different ways) + art insights + graphic design/marketing internship with the school = VICTORY.  

Um, so basically, life is great. 

And that's really what this post boils down to. 

I work my little booty off and am loving (mostly) every minute of it. It think it helps that I live in a cute little house with my main Bai (no, not BAE,) and our room is the cutest little thing west of the Mississippi (Awe!) 

Also my bedspread is white with grey polka dots, and I only changed my outfit ONCE today.


It's the little things folks.

Hope you have had a Totes Terrif Tuesday. 

You deserve it.



P.S. for a highly enjoyable evening, I suggest searching one of the following on Pinterest:

  1. Hipster Men
  2. Man Scruff
  3. Chris Pine
You're welcome.