Friday, July 12, 2013

So... I lied.

So, once upon a time...

Dylan had motivation.

Then it left her.
Then she never blogged 
or posted recipes 
or inspirations 
Even though she said she was going to.
The end. 

I should be a novelist.



Last summer I had the opportunity to work at The Painted Turtle. It was hands down one of the most influential experiences of my life. I was welcomed back to work this summer, but long story short (because I'm fairly positive I've talked about this so many times it sounds like the teacher on Charlie Brown whenever I mention CAMP #shaunwright) a wildfire caused a lot of damage and CAMP isn't happening this summer. 


Needless to say it was not quite the summer I had expected. 

I've had a lot of time to think about things as you can imagine (between staring at my computer screen and sitting by my grandmas pool) and have recognized some things. In no particular order...


  1. Attitude really is EVERYTHING.
  2. Being in a bad mood and feeling sorry for yourself does not make the situation any better.
  3. Niether does stalking people on Facebook.
  4. Or Pinterest.
  5. Doing things for other people is a great way to pass the time and gives you hope and some sense of purpose, no matter what the situation.
  6. 10 minute drives= 25 minute bike rides.
  7. Positivity, when you don't want to use it, requires a lot of self-discipline.
  8. You have to work hard for what you want. (Something I realize that may be easy for others to recognize but has taken me until now to really understand.)
  9. Given time, things will work themselves out, but only if you dont force them.
  10. Dogs (and cats) make excellent companions.
  11. Writing thoughts down/drawing can be very therapeutic. 
  12. Long periods of time alone are not a bad thing. 
  13. You are your worst critic.
  14. Being out in nature and "unplugged" from the world is good thing.
  15. You have to learn to like yourself for who you are, not what you think others think you should be. 
  16. Running= death
  17. Jillian Michaels= a man (but a kick-butt man who makes you work for what you want. See #9')
  18. Taking "selfies" is underrated. 
  19. There is something to be grateful for every day.
Yes I finished at 19, no I am not sorry about it. 
But I am sorry about something.

I would now like to openly apologize to my mother for having to deal with all my negativity. 
I realize I have not been the shiniest bulb in the tanning bed... and I am,
Thank you for putting up with me.
You are amazing and I love you. 

I am now officially dedicated to undertaking a more positive way of life.

Nine years with Crohn's this summer and living large...
I'm missing part of my large intestine.
(But seriously I am laughing right now.)

And still have the rest of my life to go. 

I dare you to try to recognize all of the good things you have going for you.



  1. Ok, this is pretty much the best blog post ever.
    I think I will bookmark it so I can use it as a friendly reminder... or blackmail... if ever I should need it. ;)
