Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Curveball Summer: The Conclusion

It's about time I hop back in the blogosphere. 

And I am hopping in full force...Writing for SUU and,

Knock knock,

Whose there...

Aren't you so glad I didn't say banana?

But for reals, I am back and am making false promises of dependability. 

They don't call me #dependabledyl for nothin.

Now for the conclusion of my "Curveball Summer."

I had an amazing opportunity, thanks to the SerioüsFun Network to volunteer at another one of their camps since The Painted Turtle closed for the summer. These camps provide amazing opportunities for kids with life-changing and serious medical conditions to be kids for once in their lives, and as a previous camper, I can attest that they do just that. (Did someone say Crohnies4Lyfe? Oh they didn't?)

Might I add, they are found all over the globe. The GLOBE. I'll give that a moment to sink in... this network is changing the world. And I got to be a part of it. Hashtag: ohyeah.

I was able to volunteer at one located in Carnation, Washington for three weeks and be a part of the camp magic that you really can only understand if you have ever been. Just ask anyone I am close to how much I talk about it, five bucks says they say everyday if not multiple times a day. Sorry not sorry.

I worked with kids who had Mitochondrial conditions, Skeletal Displaysia, Down syndrome, developmental delays and many other conditions and was able to be their support, their friend, and really whatever they needed me to be. I was able to build close relationships with them and raise a little hell. I also got to explore Washington on the weekends with friends where I went paddle boarding, kayaking, concert-going, and city-exploring.

Here are just a few stats from my time at Camp Korey:

But first, a vocabulary lesson.

Stars in the Sky: one of the best camp songs of all time
Lights Out: camper bed time!
TPT: The Painted Turtle
Warm Fuzzies: love notes/ notes of encouragement that you write to everyone involved at camp for fun.
Cabin Chat: time at the end of the day when you sit down with your cabin and chat about the day and other cool things you want to talk about. For example, if you could replace your arms with anything, like robot arms, pool noodles, etc. what would you choose?

0- the number of times I sang stars in the sky and didn't tear up.
1- the number of cabin chats that will go down in the history as the most ridiculous shizshow I have ever experienced... pardon the french.
3- the number of weeks I spent in the beautiful northwest.
4- number of weeknights after lights out that I spent at the gym with my BROS. Tool status?
5- the number of shakespeare monologues recited by a single camper.
7- the number of nicknames I was given: Big D, DLowe, DLoweFlow, FlowMysta, Picks, and DylPicks
15- the number of TPT-ers, both campers and co-workers, I was able to work/reunite with!
25- the number of times I sang John Jacob Jingle Hiemer Schmidt in a single week. 
460- the number of photos I snapped. *click click*
3,000- the number of warm fuzzies I should have written...
1,005,632+- the number of times I laughed and smiled while at camp. (THAT WAS CHEESY BUT IT ONLY GETS WORSE)
Countless- the number of friends I made... AW 

But really it is just one of those experiences I will never forget. It's that simple. 

Working with these kids is a passion of mine and I feel so lucky to have been able to experience camp with them, especially when I didn't think it was going to happen. The amazing staff that worked there didn't hurt either. It makes makes all the schooling to become an Occupational Therapist so worth it and also makes me super excited to see what my future has in store. 

I can only hope at this point that I can continue to work for SerioüsFun and be a part of the amazing program Paul Newman started for as long as possible. 

You can bet your bottom dollar I am going to do everything I can to make that happen. 

Cool runnings.

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