Friday, January 2, 2015


 You heard it here first ladies and gents,

I don't believe in resolutions. 

Maybe it's because when I try to set them, they end up something along the lines of:

"Go to the gym, like, 8x a week."
"Become a vegan."
"Eat no sugar ever."
"Become a professional college blogger."
"Cook semi-real food."

And my personal favorite:
"Be more granola."

I kid you not these are actual resolutions from previous years. 

I don't think I really understood how to make successful goals for myself... with like a plan...

But whatever. I still don't believe in them. 

I don't believe in completely starting over just because it's a new year. 

To me it's setting myself up for disappointment. Extremely equivalent to a jerk opening a giant box of office supplies in front of my face and telling me I can't have any, not even an eraser, to accidentally buying gluten-full cookies that you thought were gluten-free, or worse, ordering a grande skinny vanilla late with soy milk that ends up NOT BEING SOY. 


I think it's my personality that hates them because I tend to be a perfectionist. 


I have a hard time asking for help, going to the gym consistently, and not eating sugar. I get waaaaaay too stressed over silly things (just ask my mom) and don't spend my money wisely. I'm a pinterestaholic who love love looooooves coffee. I wan't a little black kitten. (Okay, that's not so much an imperfection as it is a fact. Just thought you should know I want one.)

Now to all my fans, I know I know, you are surprised I am human. I get it. But it's time you heard the truth. 

Bring it in everyone. Let's hug it out.

I think more important than resolutions are reminders. 

Reminders to remind me that:
  1. Life can be hard, but you'll get through it. 
  2. You are doing your best. 
  3. You shouldn't be so hard on yourself.
  4. You can handle anything anyone or situation throws at you because you are a bad ass. 
With these there is zero pressure, and a huge opportunity for growth. 

Which is what I need because I'm a recovering stress case. 

*can I get an amen emoji here*

Maybe resolutions work for you, and more power to you. 

You gotta do you baby. 

But if I can help one person, even if it's just myself, learn to take things as they come and be patient, I think I've done my non-official job. Because I officially work at a pizza place and I don't think self-betterment is on the menu.

Hope your new year is off to a great start. Because guess what?

You deserve it. 

Peace and blessings peaches.



  1. You hit the nail on the head girl!
    You've got this because yes, you are a bad ass! ;)

  2. You go climb that mountain. Don't heed the lightning warnings
