Monday, November 16, 2015


Once again I am finding myself at the local coffee shop during a storm and writing.

I think it's a mood thing, not as in "OMG I'm super broody and emotional therefore I'm a writer" type mood thing, but rather the idea of being in a warm and friendly coffee shop with a warm cup of coffee to my left has set the proper mood for me to write.

At least I think so.

And maybe this post will be of no use to anyone, especially because I'm not feeling very clever. But I am feeling introspective and feel like sharing. So there.


Considering all the absolutely unbelievable things going on in our world currently (bombings in Paris, Beirut, and Baghdad, earthquakes in Japan and Mexico, the LDS faith more creating "a new policy in place that states Mormons in same-sex marriages or similar relationships must face disciplinary councils — and possible excommunication — and that their children generally must wait until they turn 18 to be baptized into the faith.")  I think it is important to take a moment to take a deep breath and analyze for yourself these current events. 

Quite frankly not just in times of crisis, but ya gotta start somewhere. 

What I'm asking is for you not to "bandwagon" or pretend like nothing is going on. Take a minute to find out what is going on around the world, and take the proper steps you need to move forward. 

If that's involves a Facebook rant, fine. But promise me you will take even just a single moment to analyze with your own brain. I think too often we side with the opinions of those we know because of convenience and not wanting to stir the pot. 


I would rather hear original fresh ideas, opinions, and creativity, even if those opinions are different than mine than hear the same words repeated over and over.

Now you may find yourself saying, "But Dylan, not all ideas can be unique and original like you, some people will have similar opinions so don't be a pretentious kitten." and I understand that. I do. But I do believe that people don't think the exact same way as each other unless our population is 98% robot and I am the last one to figure that out. 


(LOL robots)

Maybe you sharing your opinions simply includes you helping a stranger making a decision on a casserole dish, like the kind lady at Walmart who helped improve my thoughts on humanity as a whole (not even being facetious.) Here was our conversation:

Lady (picking up a white oblong ceramic casserole dish): Is this a nice casserole dish? My granddaughter wants to make casserole, which I don't really understand why, but this looks like a nice one. What do you think?

Me : That is a nice casserole dish, and I hear ceramic lasts longer. 

Lady: I thought I heard that too! Okay so I'm not crazy. I figure, invest in a nice one that doesn't scratch. I hate when my pots and pans are scratched. 

Me: Yeah, I think that will be a great choice. I think she'll really like it! And it's white so it will go with everything. (In my mind I was thinking "Like meat, beans, noodles, all neutrals and will work with white quite nicely.)

Lady: Well thank you for your help. And have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays since I probably won't see you before then. 

Me (astounded at how thoughtful this lady was in considering me to wish a happy holiday): Well thank you! And I hope you have a Happy Holiday as well. 

Moral of this story: start somewhere. 

If someone asks for your opinion, give it. If you feel like your opinion is important (which you should,) give it. Even if you think someone won't appreciate it, speak YOUR mind. Give and share your opinions because it just may help encourage and solidify others opinions along the way, even if it solidifies the fact that they think you are batshit crazy. 

I hope you have an "insightful" Monday, and are staying warm wherever you are. 

You are important, you matter, and you can make a difference, even if it is small.


1 comment:

  1. I can't tell you haw much I love this post! Best thing ever!
