Sunday, February 7, 2016

Yoga with Adriene and Chill?

I was going to try and think of some witty opener to this post, but screw it. Let's get right to it. (Real quick can we talk about how I am a queen at rhyming?)

Break-ups suck. Like "stick that in your juice box and suck it" sucks.

All the sudden you can't text your "sig oth" (see one of my favorite webpages ever for noun reference) to say hi or even just to tell them that you had the best coffee ever this morning or to talk about the seriousness of how cute I looked today or how cute a baby polar bear is. It's like WTF who am I supposed to tell these ultra important things to now?!

(I would quickly like to mention that this post is dedicated to those who have put up with my awful attitude the past couple of weeks because holy cow have I been a miserable whiney mess. I would like to personally thank Caoilfhionn, Meg, and my mom for dealing with me during this time, along with Adriene my personal YouTube yoga instructor, Andrew Bird, and Beyonce along with He-Dylan for the creation of this post title.)

Y'all are the #realMVP's.

For now though, I'm doing a lot better and that's what I want to talk about. 

When it comes to advice in this kind of situation people will almost always say "omg it's like all about your attitude like" and "just don't focus on it." 

Um okay, sorry I'm not Spock and can't compartmentalize/ not have emotions. 

It's the last thing you want to hear, but to be honest, they're right. 

Maybe it's not a breakup that has you feeling like a soggy loaf of bread (this is a real feeling I swear. Imagine a loaf of bread soaked in water and how heavy and sad it looks. (Told you.)) Maybe it's being overwhelmed with homework, hating your job, or people just being idiots in general. 

And I want to note that it's totally okay to be sad and feel feelings for awhile and want to sit in bed and watch all four seasons of NewGirl while eating an entire pint of dairy-free ice cream with a side of salt and vinegar chips. It's also okay to want to cry. Or to want to quit everything you are doing so you can become a full-time brownie baker. Or adopt eight cats. 


But indulge in that for too long and you will find yourself down in the bottom of an isolated pit that you won't have the energy to climb back out of. It's kind of dark and sad down there, and also pretty lonely and non-productive. 

That's when "those people's" advice comes in. 

There's going to come a moment when you start realizing how whiney and negative you've been and you're going to start feeling guilty because actually your life is pretty great. 

That moment came to me last night after I went and saw the play "You Can't Take it with You" that was performed by the performing arts students at my university. It's a depression-era comedy whose theme is that your quality of life is ultimately what you make of your situation. All it took was the first act and



"Hey remember how you were just awarded for being a pretty alright student?"
"Hey remember how you could potentially be going to grad school?"
"Hey remember how there are a bunch of job opportunities you are applying for all over the US?"
"Hey remember how you graduate in May and are going to New York?"
"Hey remember how you are pretty damn healthy and have great friends?"

And then realized that things are probably going to work out how they are supposed to. 
Weird how much less difficult life is when that happens. 

And now I'm at Starbucks doing homework/writing this blog post/researching cute valentines because VALENTINES AREN'T JUST FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOLERS.

Life is pretty great. 

Maybe it's just today, and I'll be a will be a hot mess again tomorrow, and regret writing this for fear of being a hypocrite, but for now I'm doing good. And that's good. 

And I bet if you are in a slump and take a couple minutes to write down the cool stuff you've got going for you, even if it's simply the fact you've got great hair or ice cream in your freezer, that your day will get at least 3% better. 

But what do I know. 

I sure hope you have a #hellaswella Sunday and that you know things are gonna be O-K. 
(p.s. if you could please help make that hashtag trend it would mean a lot.)

